Friday, May 27, 2011

Tattooing the Word of God

Luther was a teacher and the
the doors acted more like a
bulletin board for announcment
    During the times of the reformation when society was the church and the church was society, life and language revolved around the biggest and most expensive building in town, the Cathedral. The Pope held sway and his bishops sat in their Cathedrals in every large town throughout Europe. In fact there was no church without a Bishop or a chair from which to rule. Cathedra is Latin for chair, hence cathedral.  The church ruled overall and was the source of knowledge which at that time was God's alone. Since training and knowledge was God's and the one He appointed on Earth, then all schools had their source and existence with and through the church. Men and a few women were trained in schools run by the Church universal, HRCC. Those were strict if not intellectually suffocating times.
       Times have changed, thanks in a large part to the God of grace and mercy, penned by Martin Luther on the doors of Wittenberg. But has the pendulum of time swung too far? I mean have we now opened the doors of education to the madness of no authority. Have our schools become institutions without authority, chair less? The overseers thrown out with the church and its restrictive mentality? Have we cut off the source of all knowledge and understanding so that the great quote of the reformer himself in a visionary aspect looking down the ages to the portals of our cathedrals of higher education, when he said,

"I am afraid that the schools will prove the very gates of Hell unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures and engraving them in the heart of the youth" (Klicka, 88). 

      "Engraving them in the heart of the youth."  Engraving them. Can I say Tattooing them? Left to their own devices what will they tattoo and what will it say and where will they tattoo it? Is anyone sitting in the chair anymore? Are parents? Has the "reform" been too complete? Do we really think the youth know what they want? Do we really think we know what we want?  Maybe I need a chair in my own heart for the Bishop of His Holy High Church almighty to sit there.  
      We do not need to wait until Luther's prophecy comes true, it already has. We have great teachers and great kids, but they are learning in a system that has gone to hell, a place devoid of God. His word is stricken from the walls, the doors, the rooms, the mouths of teachers and the hearts of students.  I am not just talking about public school, high school, elementary or colleges and university. We need places that will "engrave" the word in their hearts again. It may hurt. Tattooing hurts. They are going be hurt by something, it should be God. When they heal they will be better for it, not worse.
     We need to pray that God will return the power of education to those institutions that are engraving the scriptures into the hearts of their students. "Study to show yourself approved, rightly handling the word of truth." Paul's admonition to Timothy is pertinent today as ever before and should be applied to every area of life.  In these Biblical times, we need the Bible. The rapidity of disasters hitting the earth warrants explanation by sound Biblical people. Safe haven and shelter should be offered by Scripturally based institutions. We should not leave people to listen to every foul wind that is blowing, or crack pots spouting nonsense that catch searchers up and lead them to destruction.  We need to know what the Bible is saying to us today. We need the Bible taught and explained with authority. There actually is no better time than now. Now is the time to produce those who will be to the earth what God wants them to be. 
The time is ripe (Rev. 14:15).    


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