So Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt.” |
Watching what is happening in Egypt is remarkable. I can not help but feel drawn to pray for the Egyptian people and their country. They are at the threshold of a whole new era in their history and the history of the Middle East. A form of Democracy or even the next level of religious tolerance would be a huge step forward for their country and those other Islamic nations surrounding them. We are witnessing the cry of a people to be free. And our prayers must help pave the way for their total liberation. Their cries are before us and must not be ignored.
I believe the scriptures ask us to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem"(Ps.122:6). In the years I have been doing this I have noticed that Jerusalem encompasses many people and a host of religions. Those "who live within her walls" need to open up to each other in a new way. Moslem with Christian and Christian with Moslem and Jew with Moslem and Moslem with Jews and Jews with Samaritans and even Jews with Jews, etc., all need prayer for tolerance and love.
Egypt has led the way in the past for toleration. It was the first of the Islamic countries to make peace with Israel and recognize them as a sovereign nation. And it is not the first time that Egypt has opened its heart to its ancient relative Israel.
Coptic Church |
Egypt as we remember received Abraham in a grievous time of famine (Genesis 12). They received Joseph and his family during another hard time for Israel(Genesis 41). Even though they ended up being slaves in Egypt it was the birth place of the nation of Israel as they left it. During the time of the exile to Babylon, Jeremiah the prophet and some of the priests, and possibly the Arc of the Covenant, were taken to Egypt (Duhm, p.235). The Arc is said to reside to this day as part of the Jewish ancestry of Ethiopia and the
Coptic church. The Coptic heritage goes back as far as early church father Origen and the ancient sea port/library/school of Alexandria. And of course Egypt was the safe haven for another Joseph, and his wife Mary and their son, Jesus. Jesus was saved from Herod and the execution of two year old children. Their route to safety came from an angel (Matthew 2). So Egypt has played a huge part in the establishment and safe conduct of Israel from enemies both foreign and domestic in ancient times as well as modern.
It is for this reason and others that prayer should be raised in all quarters of Christianity and from our elder brothers of Judaism for God to return to Egypt the blessing it has been for Christians and the Jewish community in times of need. Now Egypt is having a famine for freedom and the truth. Her cries are coming up before the world of Godly people. Let us pray that God will raise up a Gandhi, a Mandela
a King, or a "prophet like unto Moses" to lead its people to freedom.
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