"We can't stop these camels! Going down hill, are you kidding me? We will lose 2 hours, it will be the third watch before we get them up. The third watch!" Joseph turning red in the face.
"She's pregnant", Herbie insists.
"Well she is not suppose to be on this trip if she is pregnant. Okay, okay", Joseph relents. He was getting too old for this trip anyway and probably would enjoy a stretch.
The camels go down precariously forward which almost throws off the fat priest and then they go backward which does lose the wife. She rolls head over heels off the rear of the camel. Herbie runs to give her aid. "I'm okay, I'm alright. But you should warn people about this back and forward business," she said looking at Herbie.
Joseph yells, "The seat rope use the seat rope! Boy that's dangerous, they never listen." He was tired of this business. He used to love it but lately something was eating away at his insides. He couldn't put his finger on it but he wanted more out of life than being rich. He almost felt guilty thinking that. He had all he wanted, except that his poor wife died from a camel fall. He missed her. Since then things had not been the same. This is my last trip. I am going to turn this over to Herbie and retire to east Jerusalem. I have a place on sweet side of Galgotha, great view, but the view really did nothing for him. There was more, he could feel it, but what?
As the camel driver walked around waiting on the priest he noticed the throng of people walking and wondered really for the first time what the draw was? After all, he knew John. He even agreed with some of the things he said. But a lot of it echoed the Essenes and he did like their lifestyle. Man how could John have left that cushie job at the temple? Everybody loved him. He broke his old man's heart. But it is a crazy time, look at these people going down to be dunked in that dirty river. The temple is the other way!! for God sake. You can't get your sin forgiven without sacrifice at the temple. Not that I care that much. The Essenes are right about somethings. Just look at this fat priest and his oppulant pregnat never rode a camel wife, Joseph said shaking his head and muttering to himself. what a strange time we live in. Just when the temple is being finished and things look like they are going to be normal this tumult happens. Just one more ride, then I going back to Arimathaea, maybe that is where I can find what I looking for.
"Let's go. Get on those camels we're burning sunlight." Joseph hollared at everyone.
Herbie turned to Joseph, "Okay the wench is coming now. Have you seen these signs they have. "Come to Jordan and Join the Throng" sponsored by Locus inc. What is that?"
Joseph replied, "I am not sure, but the other ones kill me."
"You mean the ones that say "Stop, your going the wrong way?"
"Yeah, those the Temple had put up. They even know something is changing because they're going down too. Look at this couple." Joseph motioned to the two Temple elites trying to mount on their saddles squishing the driver's helper.
The elderly couple were in a hot debate. As her husband struggled to get on the camel saddle, he said to his wife."Remind me again why we are going all the way down here in this increasingly hot hell hole?" The temperature change from Jerusalem to the Jordan valley could be as much as forty degrees. His wife shot over her shoulder, "Hush Saul, this is what you have been talking about for years. Just because it's happening outside the temple and in a different way. You don't know what God is going to do. The Baptist is right about the corruption of the temple. You know that. The people want change. Look at the throng of people parading out to see the Baptist. You can feel that there is change in the air."
"But what?" Overhearing the argument, Joseph answers to himself. God was not in the temple? Is he out here in the desert? Our beautiful new temple. Wow, think of the tradition, the sacrifice, the alter, the holy of holies. Man, what was John saying? He thought of the priest. He is caught in a time of change. Between the alter and the Jordan river.
Having mounted their steeds of the sand they rambled on down the Jericho road toward their destiny at the Jordan.
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Jordan near Bethany |
The caravan stopped along a bluff and Joseph and Herbie peered down the river where they could see John baptizing. They stood there for a minute while the rest of the team joined them and the elite couple from Jerusalem. As they stood there Joseph felt an urge to get closer and hear more clearly what was being said.
He pushed his way down the bank, in through the reeds, getting his feet wet. The water felt good after the hot descent into the Jordan valley heat. He waded closer and then just as the reed separated, he felt someone push past him, then two more young men. "Excuse me", said the first man. Something in his voice made Joseph stop and look closer at him. As he gazed, the young man took off his outer garment and was just wearing his tunic. John turned to see him and proclaimed in a booming voice that sounded at once familiar and again louder and deeper than he remembered, "Behold the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world."
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"Jesus came to John the Baptist" by Richard Hubal |
As Joseph pondered this, John and Joshua said a few words and John baptized Joshua. The water was all stirred up from previous baptisms and all Joseph was able to think was, "that water is muddy". As these thoughts muddled around in his head, a voice resounded from the clouds, "This is my son, in whom I am well pleased"! And just as odd, a bright light rested on Joshua. With that sound and light Joseph fell backwards on his butt in the shallow water. Not conscienous of the fact that he was sitting in mud he stared at Joshua. A strange glow was beginning in his heart. A warmness he had never felt. Immediately Joshua turned and headed straight for him. The words came back to him "whose sandals I am not worthy to untie". The 'lamb/son" was looking straight at him. His eyes were intense yet soft. Joshua stopped right in front of him and extended his hand. Joseph stared at it for the longest time until Joshua said, "let me help you up." It was then that Joseph realized that that distant wet feeling was because he was sitting in the river water. Joseph quickly gave him his hand and as he did a jolt went through his whole body. He fell down again.
This time Joshua and his followers all laughed. One said "That's happened before. Remember at Tiberias?" The other rough looking guy said, "Yeah and it scared the hell out me." They all laughed. Getting up again with help from one of the guys, Joseph stood and watch as Joshua and company headed out the east side of the river, still talking and laughing.
Joseph had felt something happening in him that he had never experienced before. He stood there dripping as he watched the trio until he could not see them any more.
"Hey Joe. Hey Joe!" Suddenly a voice broke the spell and Joseph turned towards its source. Herbie was waving from the bluff. Then he motioned for Joseph to come up.
When Joseph reached the top of the bluff, Herbie said, "Wow, did you hear that thunder and see the lightening? It scared the camels, especially sophie. And the fat priest ran to hide under that palm. His wife told me she heard a voice. She said it was amazing."
"Herbie where is she?" Inquired Joseph. Herbie pointed down toward the river. In the background he could hear Herbie asking about his brown, muddy butt, but it was just background noise. Joseph could not believe his eyes. There she was standing in line in that muddy river water in her beautiful dress. Then it hit him like lightening.
Joseph realized that God was moving HERE on the banks of the Jordan. That the voice he heard was God's voice! Somehow he knew! It was very clear to him. God had called Joshua his son!! The son of God. The thought as real and truthful as any he has ever had, seem wildly exciting. Could..., was this the Messiah? From the bluff he could still see Joshua like tiny figures headed in the direction of the desert. Where were they going?
Herbie, in a kind of mocking tone said, "She and her old man got into a fight". "She said this could be the one. I told you that it was a time of transition.' What did she mean by that?"
"I am not going back to Aramathea. I am going to get baptized by John. Then.. well I don't know. You take the caravan business like we talked about. Do it now. Take the fat guy and his wife back, if she'll go. Tell Martha that I am not waiting. I am retiring now. She a great secretary. She knows about the biz."
Herbie did not understand why his boss was doing this. But he saw a look in his eyes he had never seen before. Excitement. Joy. Wildness. Freedom. Something was different. "Okay, you're the boss, well techniquely I guess I am now the boss. You'll get your money, don't worry."
Joesph was not even looking at Herbie any more. He patted him on the shoulder as he headed down the bluff, "I know, I know, I can trust you and I'm not worried about the money, I have found something I have been looking for my entire life."
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