Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"Call on the Name of Yahweh"

After Abram left Egypt, he journeyed back to a place between  Bethel and Ai. There he built an altar and "Called on the name of the Lord"(Genesis 13:4). :h`Dwh◊y M¶EvV;b Mä∂rVbAa M¢Dv añ∂rVqˆ¥yÅw.  
What is the name of the Lord that Abram used?  Is God the name of the Lord? Lord, God?  Is Yahweh (Jehovah) the name? Remember Yahweh means "I am who I am" - so is that the name Abram used? "Hey I am !" saith Abram? "Lord, I am."  I don't mean to be disrespectful, but what is God's name? (for a little backstory see my Dec.19, 2009 blog.)
Let us look at it this way. What is a god? What is a human? I am a human, but my name is Doug. God is a god but what is His name? One of the great mysteries of Judaism is in the question Moses asked "What is your name?" Of course Moses blamed it on the COI, saying that they would want to know who sent him. Just to say "God sent me", evidently was not enough. I agree with them. Who sent you, Moses? And don't say God! What's his name? Yes.
 This whole conversation reminds me of Abbott and Costellos' "Who is on First?" Who? The guy on first? Who? Yes, Who is on first." "That's what I want to know". The great comedy bit by Abbott and Costello is reminiscent of  Moses and God on Mt. Sinai. We still do not know the name of the God on Sinai. You may say "yes we do". I would say who? You would say Lord God. I would say which God? You would say "the one on the Mountain"?!!. I would say Yes that one. And you would say" Yes God."  
God really is more a general noun for a higher being or substance. You can have many gods. The only way I can tell the difference is whether the "g" is capitalized. 
Abram built an altar and called on the name of Yahweh. Notice how the Hebrew uses the word "Yahweh" which the Jews will not even say!  But here is the problem again, Is Yahweh the name of God? I am beginning to see the beauty of why the Jews will not say the word Yahweh. 
There is an old tradition that says once you know a persons' name, you have a certain amount of power with that person. Certainly you have a certain amount of access. I wonder if the access we have is through the powerful name of Jesus the Christ. 
I started thinking about this when one of my readers in response to my blog on this subject,  wrote to me and said "What about Jesus whose name is above all names?" Is Jesus name above God's name? Does God have a name? Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through me". Our only access to know the Father is through Jesus. That is what is even more amazing about God. That he would take on a name to allow us to know him. But really he exists beyond names. It is almost unfathomable, like envisioning eternity. Envisioning something with no name is like that. Try it. Take a moment and think of something that can not have a name. 
 We as human can not know a name that takes in all of God. Sure we know adjectivals that describe Him; Father, omnipotent, omniscient, all loving. But to know him in total is impossible. He in his love has come down so that we can know him in and that through Jesus Christ. Amazing. That is why Jesus is name about all names but not above God. Jesus is one with God, the same essence of God,  but not above God.  No one is above God not even a name. John 1:14 says "the word became flesh". If I may take a little liberty and say "the unnamed became a name". The unknowable allowed Himself to be known in Jesus Christ. As Paul put it so succinctly in Colosians 2:9, o{ti e∆n aujtw/Ç katoikeiæ paÇn to; plhvrwma th:ß qeovthtoß swmatikwÇß,  That is "in Him (Christ) dwelt all the fullness of the deity in bodily form." Wow that is amazing. Even now to me having a door of access to God is almost beyond belief. I mean it challenges my faith to believe for such a great salvation. "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation", Hebrews 2:3. I love that song "How Great Is Our God?" Amazingly great, and yet He can live in our hearts! Now that is someone I want to know. You know, what's his name.

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